Did You Know? Even When You Brush And Floss Daily…
Harmful Toxins In Your Mouth May Be Triggering Bad Breath, Cavities, Yellowing Teeth, Gum Disease, And Even Digestive & Respiratory Infections!
Detox Your Mouth & Body With This FREE Ayurvedic Oral Detox Kit, Containing Everything You Need To Protect Your Mouth & Health Naturally In Just Minutes A Day
Detox Your Mouth & Body With This FREE Ayurvedic Oral Detox Kit, Containing Everything You Need To Protect Your Mouth & Health Naturally In Just Minutes A Day
$112.96 Value, Just Cover Shipping.
A Gift From Your Friends At The Natural Law.
Take Care Of Your Mouth…
Because Oral Health Is 
The Gateway To Holistic Health
Try rubbing your tongue on your teeth right now. Can you feel a layer of film on it? In the natural science of Ayurveda, that substance is known as ‘Ama’: a form of toxic waste that can wreak havoc in your mouth and throughout your body when left untreated.

The Western approach to oral health barely acknowledges these toxins and does not offer a way to get rid of them.

But in Ayurveda, practices like tongue scraping and oil pulling have been prescribed to billions of people for thousands of years to keep the mouth and body toxin-free.
These practices are considered as important as showering and brushing your teeth - and modern science is only now starting to catch up.

Here are just some of the ways Ayurveda’s approach to oral health can help transform your overall wellness:
  • 1. Detoxification: when Ama is removed from your tongue, it doesn’t get reabsorbed, and your body is saved from the strain of processing the harsh undigested food, bacteria, and impurities in it that can cause disease.
  • 2. Improved oral hygiene & fresh breath: research shows that just a week of tongue scraping significantly reduces the oral bacteria that cause bad breath and morning breath, gum disease, and dental decay (mutants streptococci and lactobacilli)
  • 3. Richer taste: research also shows that using a tongue scraper daily helps your tongue better identify sweet, salty, bitter, and sour tastes.
  • 4. A better-looking tongue: Tongue scraping helps erase that nasty white layer on your tongue, returning it to its natural pink tone. Studies show tongue scrapers are at least 30 percent better at this compared to toothbrushes with tongue brush attachments (which also spread microplastics all over your tongue).
  • 5. Better digestion: in addition to protecting your digestive system from toxins, tongue scraping stimulates your saliva glands, which helps moisten food, improve the digestive process, and assimilate nutrients.
  • 6. Whiter teeth: oil pulling helps whiten teeth by removing surface stains and discoloration, leading to a brighter smile.
  • 7. Improved respiratory health: tongue scraping helps remove the toxins that cause throat infections, coughs, and sinus congestion, meaning you may fall sick less often.
  • 8. Soothing of dry mouth: oil pulling with hydrating oils such as coconut oil can help soothe dry mouth and promote saliva production, which is essential for maintaining oral health.
  • 9. Sinus health: oil pulling helps relieve symptoms of sinus congestion, allergies, and nasal congestion by reducing inflammation in the nasal passages and promoting drainage.
  • 10. Balanced Doshas: in Ayurveda, the Doshas are the three unique energy signatures that shape your health and your nature. Tongue scraping helps balance your Doshas by removing Ama and promoting harmony within the body.
Enjoy all these health benefits in just minutes a day with our FREE Ayurvedic Oral Detox Kit
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Who Are We… And Why Are We Giving Away These Kits For FREE?
The Natural Law is a global movement committed to healing humanity through the 5,000-year-old natural science of Ayurveda. In 2023, we released our multi-award-winning documentary film: The Natural Law: A Journey Back To Wellness Of Body, Mind & Soul.

And today, after sharing our film and movement with over 2 million people worldwide, our goal is to reach millions - or even billions - more through Ayurvedic giveaways like this one.

Tongue scraping and oil pulling are some of the simplest, most rewarding ways to begin your journey into Ayurveda, natural wellness, and a better you.

We hope you’ll accept this gift from us - and after ordering, you’re also welcome to support our mission by ordering additional natural wellness curations at an exclusive discount.
What Is Ayurveda?
"Ayurveda is not only a medical system but a way of life, which aims at the attainment of a healthy mind in a healthy body."
World Health Organization, Global Centre for Traditional Medicine
Ayurveda is a 5,000-year-old science that outlines the path to health, healing, and happiness through a deep connection with the wisdom of nature, and the wisdom of our own bodies.

Discovered and perfected by ancient scientists and healers, Ayurveda has been used for generations to help billions live healthier, fuller, better lives.

Despite being an ancient science, Ayurveda is fully compatible with modern healthcare and the modern lifestyle. 

Its purpose is not to replace all forms of medical treatment and medicine, but to complement them – and in many cases provide the option of gentler, more affordable, and side effect-free solutions to many common ailments and health goals.
What’s In Your FREE Ayurvedic Oral Detox Kit
What’s In Your FREE Ayurvedic Oral Detox Kit
1. Ayurvedic Tongue Scraper ($13.99 Value)
Your Ayurvedic Tongue Scraper is made from surgical-grade stainless steel. Compared to other commonly used materials like plastic and copper, stainless steel lasts longer and is more hygienic, due to its non-porous and bacterial-resistant properties.

It’s a food-grade material, free of toxins and harmful chemicals that may leach into the mouth. And most importantly, its defined edges are also better at stripping toxins from your tongue, without causing you discomfort or irritation.

To use your tongue scraper, just hold both ends of the scraper, bring it to the back of your tongue, and scrape downwards with some pressure. Repeat for around 10 seconds daily, and say hello to a healthier tongue, mouth, and body.
2. Coconut Pulling Oil ($19.99 Value)
Swishing oil in your mouth is a scientifically proven way to reduce bacterial build-up, making it the perfect complement to your daily tongue-scraping practice. 

The correct order is to swish, then scrape. Coconut oil is a popular choice due to its pleasant taste and strong antimicrobial properties. 

All you need is a tablespoon of oil per day. Just swish it for 5 - 10 minutes a day to detox your mouth, then spit it out. This 16 fl. oz. bottle is good for approximately one month of daily oil pulling. 

This 6 fl. oz. bottle is good for over a week of daily oil pulling.
3. Ayurvedic Oral Health Video Guide ($9.99 Value)
In this video guide by The Natural Law Founder Amish Shah, you’ll explore the basics of Ayurvedic oral health, and learn how to practice tongue scraping and oil pulling for the best results in just minutes a day.

You’ll also discover how to use the appearance of your tongue to monitor your overall health, so you can detect potential health issues before they become a problem.
4. Ayurvedic Food & Herbs Deep Dive Mini Course ($59 Value)
In Ayurveda, food and herbs play a crucial role in oral and overall health. This mini course helps you pinpoint the best ones for your unique body composition, and how to add them to your diet for the best results.

Through a series of Ayurvedic cooking and nutrition classes and herbal tutorials, you’ll explore delicious food and herbs that correct harmful Dosha imbalances. That pull out toxins from the body. That improve digestion and hydration. And much more.

By the end of this mini course, you’ll know exactly how to reap the rewards of nature’s best ingredients, especially the ones that match your Dosha and unique needs.
5. The Holistic Detox Guided Meditation Session ($9.99 Value)
Sit back, relax, and let this soothing guided meditation audio take you on an inward journey into freedom from the physical, emotional, and spiritual toxins silently sabotaging your health and wellness.

No meditation experience is necessary, just press play and follow the simple instructions. We recommend listening to your meditation audio once or twice a week to keep your mind cleansed and in peak condition.
Total Package Value: $112.96
Yours Today FREE - Just Cover Shipping - While Stocks Last
Plus A Bonus Mystery Gift ($49 Value)
Upon ordering your free Ayurvedic Oral Detox Kit, you’ll also receive access to an extra gift.

We won’t spoil the surprise here - but let’s just say it’s a gift you’ll use over and over on your personal journey towards wellness of body, mind, and spirit.
Limited FREE Ayurvedic Oral Detox Kits Available: Claim Yours Now
You will receive:
  • 1. Ayurvedic Tongue Scraper ($13.99 Value): Made with surgical-grade stainless steel, it detoxes your tongue in seconds a day and is delivered to your home.
  • 2. Coconut Pulling Oil ($19.99 Value): a 6 fl. oz. bottle, good for over a week of oil pulling, detoxes your mouth in minutes a day. Delivered to your home.
  • 3. Ayurvedic Oral Health Video Guide ($9.99 Value): covering the basics of Ayurvedic oral health, tongue scraping, and oil pulling. Delivered to you digitally.
  • 4. Ayurvedic Food & Herbs Deep Dive Mini Course ($59 Value): This digital course trains you on the best food and herbs for your unique body composition, aiding in detoxing, healing, and energizing your mouth and body.
  • 5. The Holistic Detox Guided Meditation Session ($9.99 Value) is a guided meditation audio that supports detoxing your mind, body, and spirit. It is delivered digitally.
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